This newsletter comes to you from Portland, Oregon (I'm as surprised about it as you are). To put this in other words, I succeeded in temporarily (entirely) forgetting about the eight hour time difference between here and the UK, and as such did not prepare anything enough in advance. Let's begin with something I noted down and then promptly forgot the who, when, and why of:
A small hurricane of activity has kept me very occupied the last week or two, and Monday spells one of several upcoming book deadlines. We (the publisher and I), have gone back and forth over typeface choices, which-black-do-we-use choices, decisions about including and dropping, leftover pieces of hand lettering, and I realise this is all sounding impossibly vague. We are now at the point of first pass pages*, and after this the book will squirm itself into a draft, papery thing, a bound galley**.
*First pass pages: Once the manuscript is copyedited, the pages are then type-set and designed to look like how they’ll look when the book is bound. A copy of these pages is then sent back to the editor and author, who check for any last minute errors that might have been missed or possibly introduced during the type-setting.
**Bound galley: Advance copies of a book for review. While terminology varies by publisher, galleys are typically distinguished from ARCs (advance review copies) as hey feature a generic cover (as opposed to the actual cover).
Amongst other things, these paintings by Robert Roth.
The end.
Concise? I would prefer fleeting.
Should you need me, I will be running around on the east side of Portland, wielding ink and paper and perhaps even allowing myself some wailing, trying to hold my hands steady enough to finish that which must be done by Monday.
Copyright © 2018 Ella Frances Sanders, All rights reserved.