I haven't been back from New Zealand for even a week, but it feels as though it could have been months—I think this tends to happen when you return to somewhere, and not only is everything precisely as you left it, but you also pick up exactly where you left off; left it, left off, leftovers. In conclusion, everything feels very left, and not particularly right.
But it has also been two weeks since the last newsletter, which means that there is, honestly, some news of whatever sort that may be worthy of inclusion (the rest of this paragraph is not strictly necessary, you may skip to the news section below if you so wish). There are phases during the book-making process where, at least for me, there is a hushed silence accompanying fervent creation—at these points I won't need to contact the publisher very much, and I often find myself forgetting that what I'm doing will, actually, be a book. Then there are other stages where everything seems to be happening all at once, things should have been done yesterday, and I begin to feel like I don't really have the time to sit still—not particularly useful, because that is the first condition, the sitting still part.
The next couple of months will feature a lot of me saying things like 'oh hell' and 'don't inform me what the time is because I'd simply rather not know' and 'I wish that I felt more of a desire to use expletives because they would likely be appropriate right now'.
Not-really-woes aside, let's begin.
I'm taking a short illustration hiatus while working on mostly-final manuscript edits, and it's likely that this wad of words will be sent off for copy editing at the beginning of April. See also: heck, documents with thousands and thousands of words in them sure do get confusing when they contain countless tiny adjustments by multiple people.
Conversations, serious ones, are being had about the cover design, something that makes me want to whoop loudly, and perhaps the most notable thing I could mention is that the book has a new title. 'An Illustrated Guide to the Universe' was only ever really a working title, a draft if you will, but the one we have all decided upon is quite different; more intriguing and more poetic-sounding and more everything. I hope to be able to share it with you soon, as well as the cover, whenever I'm allowed.
Work by Patti Roberts-Pizzuto.
The end.
There will be more to mention to you next week, including me on a podcast (I know), vague other-project plans, and the requesting of your assistance in deciding something. For now, work, and watch the week disappear.
Farewell, see you next sometime.
Copyright © 2018 Ella Frances Sanders, All rights reserved.