I cannot believe how much it has rained the last few days; everything is saturated and greener than one really thinks would ever be possible. The garden at the back of my apartment is now an overgrown paradise, and contains exactly two sunflowers, which made me think of this:
n.b. I tried to take a photograph of the aforementioned sunflowers because that is what one believes to be appropriate in the moment, but the risk of ending up in an uncomfortable-looking flowerbed was too great and I decided that you probably can't capture the feeling of a sunflower anyway.
There was a quote very relevant to a particular morning of mine this week, and then I also shouted a little about a recent feature in a UK magazine.
In addition I published a new short piece on Medium, which is surreal and was mostly written on a sun-drenched 3-hour train journey through landscapes as open as the ocean.
I signed off on the cover design for the upcoming Spanish edition of The Illustrated Book of Sayings, which will be published soon by Libros Del Zorro Rojo, who are also responsible for the Spanish-coated version of Lost in Translation.
Started work on another typographic map, which will be the 6th in an ongoing series with the lovely Jodi Ettenberg of Legal Nomads, received a very exciting email from a very exciting company (more on that soon), made some tangible progress with book three research and planning, and managed countless other small tasks ranging from menial to wonderful that I probably don't need to tell you about.
Really all the work of Liana Jegers.
The end.
I'm currently listening to this playlist of songs from Wes Anderson films, as I find it just the right amount of odd and great when researching or drawing—I've tried listening to all the glittery and philosophical podcasts people recommend to me but often find them distractingly good, and so end up with mistakes in drawings or miss the end of a sentence and have to rewind.
It's possible I could maybe have thought up a more suitable ending, but I don't think you'll mind (if you do, let me know).
Farewell, see you next sometime.
Copyright © 2017 Ella Frances Sanders, All rights reserved.