Hi everyone (I'm definitely running out of interesting ways to start this thing in terms of greetings), but I suppose a hi or hello never fails to be appropriate. This one is going to be brief, but I figured better to keep in the loop of habit.
A short (old) story about a parrot. In case you need an accompanying image to get you in the mood, I've included one below from a comic you likely know of already. The series of Tintin comics by Belgian master-of-all-quite-frankly-a-genius Hergé (did you know his real name was actually Georges Prosper Remi and Hergé was simply his cartoonist name? Perhaps I should also have gone for something a little more catchy.) featured heavily in my childhood, and I'm still quite cross about the one or possibly two I've failed to read/find.
Since Friday 3rd November, the Italian edition of The Illustrated Book of Sayings has been out and about. Their chosen title, TAGLIARE LE NUVOLE COL NASO, is the translation of a Serbian saying in the book, and their cover is also different. If you can read Italian, the publisher Marcos y Marcos wrote some lovely things here.
Insider newsletter information: the cover design actually started life as a mockup for the original US publication, but they didn't use it, and now phew because it will see the light of (Italian) day.
Also in book news, this week I'm signing and sending off the Chinese contracts for both books! Help! Surely I'm meant to know what I'm doing by now and be excited rather than panic about the prospect of world domination! Agh!
P.s. No, that's not my carpet.
The end.
I'm really rather delighted at how autumn is looking here in the UK, although I'm not enjoying the uneasy feeling currently emanating from our government (heck, most 'governments')—it's so laughable that we think we're the intelligent species around here. Ha!
Related question: has everybody gone completely mad?
And I thought I'd just forgotten the actual magic that this season brings, but it turns out the colours actually are brighter and more intense—this October has been so dry, and the sugars found in leaves (they are the reds and oranges) have gone a bit bananas as a result.
Farewell, see you next sometime.
Copyright © 2016 Ella Frances Sanders, All rights reserved.